Kindergartenism #18:
During a reading group on a book about a train trip...
Me: "Have any of you ever ridden on a train?"
Josh: "I have!"
Me: "Where did you go?"
Josh: "I rode on the Polar Express."
(The kids start laughing)
Me: "Let's let Josh finish his story. What else do you want to tell us about it, Josh?"
Josh: " know...there's not much else to tell."
Not much has been new lately. I recently joined a gym with Jenny and Lindsey, which has been fun. I prefer running indoors on a treadmill than outside. I know, I'm probably crazy for thinking that. But it's easier for me. I'd rather be able to distract myself with a TV screen and music on my iPod.
As I continue to get involved with Impact (the 20's group at my church), it's been easier for me to get distracted by guys. By this, I mean that I find myself scoping them out and thinking about which ones I think are cute or whatever. Usually, I am okay with being single and it's not something that distracts me too much. Granted, I don't enjoy being single, but I've been trying to focus on building relationships with the women in my life rather than worry about finding a boy. But, as I meet more people, it's hard to keep that focus sometimes. It's so frustrating...I meet a guy that I think is cool or attractive and BAM...he's married or has a girlfriend. Many times, I find that most of the guys that are single are the socially awkward ones. And, of course, they're also the ones that aren't afraid to talk to you or even try to ask you out. When I do happen to meet a guy that is single and not awkward, I immediately feel like I'm invisible. I start thinking that I don't have enough to offer, or so-and-so is prettier, or that I'm not exciting enough. I don't want church or Impact to be focused around boys, and I don't want to think these thoughts of myself because I know they're not true (although they feel true sometimes), but that's not always the case. I've been lucky enough to find some good friends at church that are also single, so that helps. I know things will happen according to the Lord's plan for me...and that plan is so much better than I can make it. I just need to remind myself of that...daily.
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