Kindergartenism #46:
Harrison: "Look at this one. (points to something he's drawing) It's so awkward."
Ella: "What does awkward mean?"
Harrison: "I don't know."
Kindergartenism #47:
I don't remember who said this quote...
"Who were the first people in the world?"
"I think their names were Jack and Jill."
Since I last posted, my parents have decided to sell their house. It was always something that was looming in the future, but my mom stumbled upon a house she loves and jumped into moving mode. The time between when she found the new house online and when we had a realtor come to look at our house was pretty sudden. And not only that, but the new house is in Sullivan...about 45 minutes west of where we live now. My sister and I were given the option to move out there with my parents, but neither of us want to deal with that kind of commute. It would take my sister at least an hour just to get to school everyday in downtown Milwaukee. So, we have been talking about getting a place together. I wasn't planning on living at home past the summer anyway, but there are a lot of unknowns in my life right now (i.e. where I'm working next school year), so the thought of having to find a place by a certain time is a little stressful right now. Granted, it could be months before our house sells, but my parents want to have as much stuff out of our house as we can to make it look bigger and less cluttered. So, we'll see what this summer brings in that area.
The superintendent of my district brought up the idea of creating another 1st grade in my classroom at my school next year. We have 52 kindergarteners right now (26 in 2 classes) including a handful of pretty needy kiddos. Only 2 kids that we know of are not returning to the school next year which puts each 1st grade class at 25 for next year. And there are always new kids that register over the summer. So, if the class sizes get big enough, they might split into 3 classrooms, in which case, I told my principal I'd like to be considered for the position. It's not a guarantee and the decision probably wouldn't be made until sometime over the summer, but it's a possibility. In the meantime, i'm still watching the postings...which are very few and far between right now. I have to have faith though. I have to constantly remind myself that God totally provided a job for me this year when I thought all hope for one was lost. I have such a huge desire to teach in my own classroom and I have to believe that desire is put in me for a reason...and that eventually, in His timing, God will fulfill that desire as long as I continue to seek after Him.
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