Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have always had a hard time with finding motivation to do things that don't seem so fun. It's easy for me to think of things in my life that I want to change, but finding the motivation to work on changing them and sticking to it is hard. I can't imagine I'm the only one who struggles with this.

I've been thinking about some things that I'd ideally like to change...

1. Get into a regular workout routine.
Last summer, I was really good about running at least 3-5 times a week. Once school started, it was squelched pretty quickly. It is so hard to find the energy to go to the gym after work...I don't feel like I work any harder at Lincoln, but for some reason I feel absolutely exhausted after work each day. So, I'm hoping to get into a good routine...maybe bringing workout clothes with me and going straight from work to the gym.

2. Eat better.
Lately, I've been really unhappy with how my body has gotten. I am the heaviest I've ever been and it makes me feel disgusting. I try to make healthier choices, but it hasn't been a huge priority yet.

3. Make God a bigger priority.
The book that I'm reading with Angela has challenged me to make God a bigger priority in my life. One quote in the book really struck me..."don't try to build Me into your life anymore. Instead, build your life around Me." I want to know what that looks like. I want to figure out what that can be in my life.

4. Focus on loving others more than myself.
Recently, I've realized that I can be very selfish, especially when I'm with my family. I want to get into the habit of letting go of myself and being more loving to others.

I'm sure I'll be able to think of more, but this is a start. I'm hoping I'll be able to think of specific steps and things I can do daily to help me make these things a reality. Ask me about these things...I'm going to need accountability.

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