Sunday, October 27, 2013

All of my ambitions, hopes, and plans, I surrender these into Your hands

This weekend has been one of those weekends.  Nothing bad happened.  In fact, it was a great weekend because we celebrated Emily's 1st birthday yesterday.  However, the last few days have been ones where my insides literally ache for things I wish I had in my life.  A husband.  Kids.  A house of my own.  You know how it goes.

About a week ago, I went to a friend's housewarming party.  Josh was invited and was going to be there.  As always, I was excited to see him, but after our lunch date about a month prior, I wasn't really sure what to expect with how I'd feel when I saw him.  The party was fun and there was a good balance of Josh and I talking and us hanging out with other people.  But, I found it hard to not want to revert back to interacting with him the way I used to when we were dating.  It's hard not to flirt with him a little.  At the party, he was telling me about moving in a week and how much he hates packing.  I told him that I actually get a lot of joy out of packing a perfect box and to let me know if he wanted help packing.  

The following Wednesday, I asked him how his packing was going.  He said it was going really slowly and asked if I could help the next evening.  I went over on Thursday night, brought a pizza, and helped him pack, mostly with the girls' room.  It was such a fun night.  We got a lot done and worked well as a team.  At times, we would work in separate rooms and not talk a whole lot (which wasn't weird...I like when there isn't the pressure to always be talking) and other times we would work together packing a room up and talking the whole time.  I didn't feel like I needed him to tell me what needed to be done...I felt comfortable and just took charge of certain things that needed to be done.  I felt at home.  

After we finished packing, we sat and talked for almost 2 hours.  We talked about the girls, our families, work...things we usually talk about.  But, at one point in the conversation, he told me that the girls ask about me a lot.  That is such a bittersweet thing to hear.  It makes my heart so happy that the girls care about me so much that 3 months later, they're still asking about me.  But at the same time, it breaks my heart because I miss them so much.  I didn't ask what Josh tells them...I'm not sure I want to know.  Instead, I just expressed that I really miss them.  To that, Josh said that once they get settled in to their new apartment, we should get ice cream with the girls sometime.  I nodded in approval, but in my head I wasn't sure how I felt about that statement.  I would LOVE to see the girls again.  But what are they going to think?  I can just hear his youngest asking "Why don't we see you anymore?"  I have no idea what he's told them thus far...what would I say to a 5 year old asking that question?  Is it going to confuse them to see me again if Josh and I aren't together?  A big thing that scared Josh was how much the girls were involved in our relationship.  Why is he okay with this now?  If he goes through with inviting me to hang out with them, I will have to talk to him about all these questions and feelings first.  That's one thing we're both trying to be better about...saying something when something doesn't feel right or we're feeling uncertain.  

After that conversation, we just sat and looked at each other.  It was one of those moments where you could tell we both wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.  I wanted to say how much I miss him and still care about him.  Who knows what he was thinking.  It was straight out of My Best Friend's Wedding when there's a moment to say something, and then all of a sudden, the moment passes without anyone saying something.  Josh and I haven't talked about "us" since breaking up...I wasn't sure if bringing it up at that moment was the right thing to do.  I kind of want him to take the lead in that when/if he ever feels the need.  But part of me wishes I would've said something.  We had that problem in our relationship - I assumed he would say or do things when he felt ready, but he didn't.    Either way, ever since that moment, it's made me wonder if there could ever be the possibility of "us" again.  I know I said I can't sit and wait for him.  I'm fact I have a first date this week with a guy a friend set me up with.  I'm not turning down the chance to meet other guys and pursue other possibilities.  But I just can't stop thinking about Josh and how I feel about him.  I seriously felt like we were married on Thursday when I was helping him pack.  At one point, I helped him fold some laundry and folded a pair of his boxers for goodness sakes (by accident...I thought they were a t-shirt when I picked them up :P)...but it wasn't weird.  It felt normal and like it was something we did all the time.  I feel like we're just so perfect for each other and it's so hard to not be able to do anything about it.  

Today at church I was reminded that no matter what my hopes and dreams are, I need to surrender them to God because He is in control and His way is best.  It's freeing and exciting to think that God could have an even better plan than what I could dream up, but it's SO hard to wait expectantly and patiently.  My heart aches when I think of how much I miss Josh's girls and family, and how much I care about Josh.  Only time will tell.  In the meantime, I'll just take things day by day and trust the Lord knows what He's doing. ;)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Keeping Busy

Yikes, life feels so crazy during the school year.  Working 10+ hour days, lifegroup, and now high school home group (I agreed to help lead a high school group in Waunakee this year) makes for some busy weeks.  My weekends are often filled with fun things with friends too.  Luckily I'm an extrovert and enjoy having things going on, as long as I have a day or two in the week to unwind.

Lots has happened on the boy front in the last month or so.  Josh and I have kept in touch through Facebook a bit since seeing each other in August.  It was really hard for me to not talk to him completely.  Last week, I sent him a link from something from church and he responded a few days later.  In his response, he asked me how I was and how school was going, and then told me he was running sound at church on Sunday and asked me to stop by.  Instead of just stopping by, I decided to ask if he wanted to grab lunch.  I didn't realize it until after I asked, but I realized I needed some clarity and closure from this lunch date.  It's been hard for me to feel like I could move on in the last few months because I "had this feeling" it wasn't over.  Whether or not that is true, I still need to move on with my life.  Anyway, we met up after church and went to Panera.  It was great to see him and to have a chance to catch up.  But, I did have some clarity.  In our conversation, we talked about how things were with his ex-wife and with the whole custody situation.  As he was talking, I realized nothing has changed.  Things with his ex-wife are the he's feeling about it all are the same.  He's been divorced for 3 1/2 years...and he's still dealing with it.  How much longer will it go on?  Will he ever be ready for a relationship?  I realized I can't just sit and wait for him to be ready.  I know I said I wasn't going to just wait for him, but in my heart, I was.  I dreamed of him realizing how much life sucks without me and telling me he was wrong for breaking up with me.  But after seeing him last weekend, I realized that may never happen.  I can't hold out for something I hope will happen.  While it's sad to let go of, I realized it's something I need to do.  I will still miss him and I will always love him in some way, but I feel like this is something I need to do.

A couple of days before I saw Josh, I actually went out on a date with another guy.  About a week prior, a guy named Jeremiah messaged me because he saw me tagged in someone's pictures from the 80s run.  We messaged back and forth throughout the week and he asked me out for last Friday.  I met him at his place in Waunakee and we rode his motorcycle out to a trail in Lodi.  We hiked up the trail to eat a picnic and watch the sun set over Lake Wisconsin.  Afterwards, we drove back to his place and hung out around his fire pit.  Before I met him, I asked a few people who were friends with him on Facebook about him.  Most people had only met him once or twice, but let's just say he didn't get rave reviews.  Because of this, I wasn't super excited for our date.  But, we actually had a pretty nice time.  He doesn't show a lot of emotion initially and kind of comes off a little harsh, so I can see why people who don't know him well didn't have the best impression of him.  But once we both got comfortable, he opened up and softened up a bit.  We had enjoyable conversation and he made me laugh.  We've texted a little this week and are hanging out again on Thursday.  I had fun with him, but I'm not totally sure how I feel about him.  There are some things I still would like to know about him, like his faith, before I really know how I feel.  If anything, I felt encouraged on Friday.  It was encouraging to have fun with another guy and feel like I could move on from Josh.  It reassured me that life isn't over without Josh.

All in all, I'm feeling pretty good about life.  I love my friends and the fun times we have.  My job is demanding and tiring and hard this year, more than ever before, but day by day we make little gains.  Despite Josh not wanting to be with me, I'm feeling overall pretty good that a boy saw me in a ridiculous picture and liked what he saw, so much so that he felt the desire to pursue getting to know me.  Life will move on and God is with me every step of the way.  My life isn't what I thought it would be at almost 30 and there are so many things I ache to have in my life someday.  But, I was reminded this past week that every beautiful fall leaf, sunset, or cloud I see is God's nudge reminding me He's with me.  I can't ask for more than that.