Monday, October 17, 2011

Learning to be Content

I'm starting to realize it's hard for me to feel content with where God has me in my life. For a long time, I longed for a teaching job. Little did I realize God was just preparing me for one with 4 years of "less-than-ideal" (in my mind) teaching-related jobs. And now, despite having a great job that I love and am good at, I now have something else to long for...a relationship. I see (what seems like) everyone around me getting into relationships, getting married, and having babies. And my first reaction is one of envy and longing. I don't even want babies right now! Why do I care??

Instead of wanting what others have, I need to learn to be content (and thankful!) for what I have and where I am now. Otherwise I'm never going to be content with where I am in life...ever. Just like with my "less-than-ideal" jobs, they all served a specific purpose and prepared me for what was ahead. Could I have gotten more from those experiences if I had just learned (or let God help me) to be content in that season of life rather than worry? What can I get out of my season of singleness when I'm content with where God has me and focus on what God is trying to teach me?

I think partially why this is such a strong desire is because I have a romanticized idea of what marriage will be like. I've seen friend after friend get married. Their first response? "Married life is AMAZING!" Who wouldn't want to experience that if it's really that great? I also think it's partly because I'm longing for close community here in Madison. People that I know who are in relationships or are married always have someone to do something with. And more often than not, that significant other is someone with shared interests. I so badly long for someone to spend time with that enjoys the same things I do. Instead, I need to learn how to be content with what I have and where I am now. I need to learn how to say (and truly mean) that God is ENOUGH. All I need.
Getting married or teaching can't be my ultimate goals. Leaning on God and fully trusting Him need to be my goals. Those are things that will ultimately matter in life. God cares about our character and hearts, not what we accomplished.

Praying for peace...

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

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